Anthony Weiner, mayoral candidate for New York City, is apparently in another scandal involving his peculiar sexual tendencies. He got caught before back in 2011 for sending sexy pictures to six different women. We were thisclose to forgetting all about the guy, 2011 is a whole two years ago. Seriously, who can remember anything from 2011? There’s probably been a dozen other scandals since. We were willing to forget and forgive enough to not make a scene when Weiner announced he was running for Mayor of NYC in 2013.
Until now.
Weiner got busted again. He created a fake Facebook profile so he could send sexy pics again. This time he thought he learned from past mistakes by creating an alias to hide behind and that alias was Carlos Danger. Not a bad name, hilarious, but lazy. Here are 27 better names than “Carlos Danger”
- Bob Crisis
- Alejandro Cool
- Dean Hazard
- Santiago Reckless
- Jose Audacious
- Luis Daredevil
- Eduardo Thin Ice
- Javier Penis
- Jesus Saves
- Hammerhead Jones
- Blaine Shitbrick
- Phil Jeopardy
- Kevin Threat
- Pitfall Jenkins
- Lou Accident
- Dick Bold
- Quentin Hardabs
- Francis Bulge
- Rocco
- Devin Anger Management
- Elijah Backdraft
- Aggressive Dave
- Frank Desperation
- Holland Peril
- Aloysius Detriment
- Colin Trouble
- Anthony Weiner